Version 2.29

13 Aug 2024
v2.29 — 13 Aug 2024

My Work - A new My Work page added which shows the Active Runs, Test Cases assigned to the user and New Messages if any. Users can find the My Work option at the top in the LHS menu.
Test Cases order is retained after copying a Section.
Pagination fixed in the Test Case selection page in a Test Run.
v2.28 — 30 July 2024

@Mentions added to Test Case Comments. Simply type @ and select the user to mention them in your comment. The selected user will also be added a Follower and receives an email notification.
Emoji reactions added to Test Case Comments to provide a quick feedback.
Completion Status filter added to Test Run list page. Using this filter, you can easily filter out those test runs which are 100% completed or not.
Minor bug fixes
v2.27 — 15 June 2024

Test Case Comments - Users can now add comments on test cases by opening a test case. This allows for easier collaboration between users when working on the same test case.
Followers added on Test Case Comments will receive email notifications when a new comment is added.
Completion Status filter added to Test Run list page. Using this filter, you can easily filter out those test runs which are 100% completed or not.
Minor bug fixes
v2.26 — 28 May 2024

Test Case drawers are now resizable. The backdrop has been removed from Drawers, enabling users to navigate between test cases by simply clicking on the test case name in the table.
For consistency, all reports on the Dashboard now display data based on Active Test Runs only.
Added the ability to search entities by using ID, Key, or Name from the Search bar.
v2.25 — 8 May 2024

Introducing a new Details tab on the Test Run page, showcasing essential test run information such as Description, Deadline and Status, among others.
Enhanced user experience by enabling clickable Suite and Section elements in the Test Case slide panel, facilitating easy navigation to view test cases within a Suite or Section.
Improved visibility by highlighting the last viewed test case in the test case table, particularly beneficial for managing extensive lists of test cases.
Included the count of Untested results in the Project Results report.
Expanded the width of the Test Case drawer to enhance data presentation.
v2.24 — April 2024

Native Jira integration released, allowing the creation of Issues in Jira when a test result is created in Tuskr.
Released Junit Import, simplifying test result integration.
Launched Playwright and Cypress integration, offering more options for automated testing frameworks.
v2.23 — March 2024

Implemented conversion of Markdown to HTML for text and step type custom fields during import, ensuring consistent formatting.
References and Test Run ID fields now added to Run exports for enhanced traceability.
Improved performance for deleting custom fields, making the process faster and more efficient.
Optimized user web rate limits for smoother user experiences under heavy load.
v2.22 — February 2024

Added "page" parameter for project, suite, cases, and runs lists to support pagination while using APIs.
v2.21 — January 2024

Added Result History tracking for comprehensive test overviews.
Added Suite and Section names to Webhook data for more detailed integrations.
Included result status labels in test run CSV export for better data analysis and reporting.
Enabled image enlargement on click within the platform for easier viewing.
Implemented result status validation via API for consistent data management.
Fixed test case filters when changing suites/sections to maintain filter settings across navigations.
Updated libraries to remove vulnerabilities, improving security.
v2.20 — December 2023

Enhanced error messages related to Project functionality for clearer communication and user experience.
v2.19 — November 2023

UTF-8 special characters in filenames are now correctly encoded, fixing previous bugs.
Rich text editor now supports PNG, JPG, and JPEG image types, allowing for richer content creation.
v2.18 — October 2023

Implemented compression for better performance.
Optimized fetching of test cases list for quicker access.
Bug fixes and improvements.
v2.17 — 18 August 2023

Added the option to export Project and Test Run dashboard in PDF format. Making it easy to share the reports with the stakeholders.
User assigned on a Test Run will get notified via email when a Test Run is created or when its assignee changes. Note: Make sure that Enable Email Notifications options is checked in the user profile.
When a Test Run is 100% completed, the user assigned on this test run will receive an email notification. Note: Make sure that Enable Email Notifications options is checked in the user profile.
v2.16 — 14 August 2023

For test_run_result_create event, all Issue IDs marked on the test case are sent in the Webhook data. Making it easy to update existing issue instead of creating a new one.
Instructions and Expected Results of Steps custom fields are now exported in separate columns.
Each step of Steps custom fields are now exported in numbered list format.
v2.15 — 22 July 2023

Test Run can now be exported in CSV format from the test run page.
Option to copy External Id and References of every Test Case while copying Suite/Section.
Locked Test Run can be now be copied.
Bug fixes and improvements.
v2.14 — 26 June 2023

Test Run name length increased to 150 characters.
Test Case fields added to Test Run print page - Now while exporting a Test Run, users can select Test Case fields along with Result fields to be displayed in the output.
Performance improvements
v2.13 — 20 May 2023

Two Factor Authentication(2FA) - Email based 2FA implemented for additional security measures. This feature is available on Business and Enterprise plans.
Addition of a new Enterprise plan. This plan includes all the features along with maximum limits across all plans.
Single Sign On(SSO) - SAML 2.0 based SSO is now available on Enterprise plan.
Test case name length increased to 255 characters.
Test Run limit per project increased for every plan. Free: 100, Team: 250, Business: 500 and Enterprise: 1000.
Bug fixes and small improvements.
v2.12 — 4 March 2023

Till now, a user assigned to a project could view all its test cases. With this release, you now have the ability to turn this off. If you do, then the person will only be able to view test cases assigned to him/her in a test run. This makes it easy to work with external consultants so that they are no exposed to sensitive test cases or test cases related to upcoming functionality.
URL custom field now returns a link as the value and clicking on it opens the page in a new tab.
Test suite is now avilable in test case filters.
Integration Data field added to projects. You can use this field to put data for integrations e.g. a channel ID or a team ID. You should continute to use the External ID field to specify the ID of the project in the other system.
For users on the free plan, the delete account warning banner will be displayed in UI 7 days before the account is deleted. We will continue to send the email 5 days prior to deletion.
Significantly improved performance.
Bug fixes and small improvements
v2.11 — 7 February 2023

Added the ability to set a default test case type.
Test case columns can now be customized while viewing them in a test run.
Test cases can now also be filtered using External ID and Issues fields.
Added the field External ID to test runs making it easy to link test runs with external systems and refer them in API calls.
Increased the size of test case name and section name to 150 and 75 characters respectively.
Test case key column has been removed. To add it back again, click on Customize button and add the column.
Bug fixes and improvements.
v2.10 — 20 December 2022

Added the capability to archive test runs. Use the 'Status' filter on the test runs page to filter them out.
References filter added to test case list page.
Added API to upsert test cases. This is useful while auto-provisioning test cases from external automation systems.
Added the field External ID to test cases making it easy to link test cases with external systems.
v2.9 — 30 November 2022

Added the ability to lock test tun Locking. Lock test runs to prevent create, edit and delete results in a test run.
Added project ID to URLs making it easy to bookmark projects.
Added BOM to test case export CSV so that Microsoft Excel automatically recognizes it as a UTF-8 encoded file and shows non-english and accented characters correctly.
Fixed line breaks in test case steps and result comments.
Images in steps are lazy loaded for improved performance.
v2.8 — 17 October 2022

Result status summary shown in test runs table. You can drill-down for more information.
Result status summary on the test run's dashboard is now clickable.
v2.7 — 25 September 2022

Added API to create projects.
While selecting test cases in a test run, the estimated hours are shown making it convenient to budget testing hours.
Enhanced the dashboard time tracking charts by including totals.
Links that you add in steps are automatically opened in a new tab.
The field set form field is not shown if there are no field sets, making the UI cleaner.
v2.6 — 7 September 2022

Added the field External ID to projects making it easier to integrate with external systems.
Webhook post data enhanced — 1. Added the url field to the result, testCase and testRun objects. 2. Added a project object containing project data like name, externalId, etc.
Ability to attach issue IDs to test run results. Using the Issue URL Template project field, you can generate links to your issues.
Webhook response when test run results are created can now contain a JSON object with issueIds which will automatically update the test run result with the issue IDs.
v2.5 — 23 August 2022

Added synchronization capability — you can now export test cases from Tuskr to spreadsheets, make changes in spreadsheets, and then re-import the file back into Tuskr.
Added the ability to only export a subset of test cases. After clicking on export, you can use the provided filters to only export test cases matching your filters.
v2.4 — 28 July 2022

You can now select columns to display in test case table.
Ability to map test cases to requirements using references. Using the Reference URL Template field in projects, it is also possible to link requirements to test cases. Read more.
Minor bug fixes.
v2.3 — 30 Jun 2022

Added the functionality to clone a test run from the UI. This is useful if you want to rerun an existing test run.
Added the ability to create a test run and clone a test run from the API. This is beneficial to those using Tuskr in CI/CD environments.
Minor bug fixes.
v2.2 — 5 Jun 2022

Significant performance improvements all around. Loading of test cases is now 90% faster.
Switched to using Amazon SES to send transactional emails for better reliability. Previously, emails were getting delayed and landing in the spam folder.
v2.1 — 18 Apr 2022

Test Run Printing — you can now print test runs to PDF to share it with your clients. It also includes the ability to enter custom text into the final print.
v2.0 — 12 Apr 2022

Dark Theme — User can now switch between Light and Dark theme and the theme will be retained across devices. To switch theme go to User Menu > Profile > Dark theme.
Ability to reorder steps — individual steps can be moved up and down.
New stats on project dashboard.
New chart colors and UI enhacements.
Bug fixes and other minor updates.
v1.5 — 23 Feb 2022

Added the ability to copy test suites and sections from other projects. All test cases along with their steps, files and custom fields are copied.
Added the feature to clone a test case. This is useful when you want to reuse the steps or other custom fields of a test case.
v1.4 — 13 Feb 2022

Replaced markdown with a WYSIWYG HTML editor. The HTML editor supports multiple formatting and styling options including tables.
Also, added the ability to copy-paste images from your clipboard into the editor. Alternatively, you can even even drag-n-drop files.
All markdown fields have been converted to rich-text.
v1.3 — 9 Feb 2022

Added the functionality to edit multiple test cases in one go. Using bulk-edit, you can change multiple test case attributes including custom fields.
v1.2 — 27 Jan 2022

Added import and export functionality for test cases. Our CSV import functionality is quite comprehensive supporting custom fields as well as import from other test case management tools.
v1.1 — 27 Oct 2021

Added reports functionality. The following reports are now available:
  • Project Results: a stacked-bar chart of projects and their results.
  • Resource — Plan × Actual: a tabular report of resources grouped by project showing their planned vs actual time.
  • Project — Plan × Actual: a tabular report of projects showing their planned vs actual time.
  • Time Log: a tabular report of time logged by resources. You can use this report to integrate with your time tracking solution in case you won't want to use the API.
v1.0 — 1 Sep 2021

Tuskr is now out of beta and officially released.
Beta — 1 Aug 2021

We are glad to announce the beta release of tuskr — a cloud-based test management software. Watch this space for updates and release notes.