Getting Started

Tuskr is a cloud-based test management tool that helps teams in organizing their test cases and conducting test runs.

Jump to a specific part of the demo:
00:00 Basic Terminologies
00:32 Creating Projects
01:49 Creating and Organising Test Cases
06:10 Import, Export and Bulk Edit
08:24 Creating Test Runs
12:00 Monitoring Progress
13:21 Customising the Application
15:31 Finding Help
16:14 Sharing Results as PDF

Sample Data

Your trial account has been populated with sample data so you can quickly play around and determine if the software meets your requirements. If you wish to start from a blank slate, just delete the sample project. All associated data will be deleted as well.

The User Interface

The user interface is simple and consistent. The following image will help you understand what goes where.

  • Main Menu — the key navigation menu.
  • User Menu — menu with actions like change profile, password, email & logout.
  • Current Project Menu — navigate to the current project's test cases, test runs, etc.

How Information is Organized

Projects, suites and sections allow you to organize your test cases just like folders and sub-folders help in organizing documents.

A project contains test suites. A test suite contains sections. A section contains test cases. This is shown in the illustration below.

      Project A
      ├── Test Suite 1
      │   │
      │   ├── Section 1
      │   │   │
      │   │   ├── Test Case 1
      │   │   │
      │   │   ├── Test Case 1
      │   │   │
      │   │   ├── ...
      │   │   │
      │   │   └── Test Case M
      │   │   
      │   ├── Section 2
      │   │
      │   ├── ...
      │   │
      │   └── Section N
      ├── Test Suite 2
      ├── ...
      └── Test Suite X

Inviting your Colleagues

You can invite your colleagues by going to Main MenuAdministrationUsers and clicking on the button. Read More.

Got Questions?

Our support team is happy to help and just an email away — contact us.