Custom Fields

Custom fields enable you to capture structured data. A custom field can either be attached to a test case or a test run result.

Custom fields can be of the type:

  • Checkbox — a field that represents a yes/no option (e.g. Are you using SSL?)
  • Date
  • Dropdown — a field that represents one-of-many options (e.g. Cloud Provider - one of Amazon, Azure, Google or Other)
  • Integer
  • Multi-select — a field the represents many-of-many options (e.g. Supported Browsers - one or more of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge and Other)
  • Steps — a field that represents steps to be followed. There are two variants: 1. With instructions and 2. with instructions and expected results.
  • Text (Single-line)
  • Text (Multi-line) — you have the option of plain text or rich text.
  • URL — a field that represents a web address
  • User — a user of the system e.g. Manager

Managing Custom Fields

To create, edit or delete custom fields, you need the administrator privilege.

Go to Main MenuAdministrationCustom Fields to add, edit or delete custom fields.

Adding Project Specific Custom Fields

By default, custom fields are available in all projects.

If you want a custom field to be available only in some specific projects, then edit that custom field, choose those projects in the field and save.

Grouping Custom Fields

Often, custom fields need to be captured in groups. For example, you may want to capture three custom fields: API URL, API Username and API password for API test cases. In Tuskr, field sets allow you to do that. Read More.

Reordering Custom Fields

You can customize the order in which the custom fields appear in forms and displays. To reorder, go to Main MenuAdministrationCustom Fields and click on button in the title.